

Infused with Native herbs, kutjera butter *V


Marinated Mixed Olives

Lemon myrtle, orange, wild oregano*V, DF, GF, VN


Wild Thyme Hummus

Tasmanian pepper leaf flat bread*GFO, N, SE, V, VN


Damper Crumbed Cauliflower

Desert raisin and native nut romesco, sea succulents*N, V


Sydney Rock Oysters

Kutjera wattle seed vinaigrette, finger lime*GF, DF


Indigenous Australian Grazing Plate

NSW regional cheeses, wild thyme hummus, smoked kangaroo, emu, tandoori crocodile, olives, pickled vegetables, marinated artichoke, roasted macadamia nuts, quandong paste, Tasmanian mountain pepper leaf flat bread*N, GFO


Regional Australian Cheeses

Quandong paste, Tasmanian mountain pepper leaf flat bread*GFO, N

GF: gluten free
DF: dairy free
VN: vegan
V: vegetarian
N: contains nuts
GFO: gluten free option
VNO: vegan option
SE: sesame